Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Boltt sekarang meluncurkan Platform Gamification Kesehatan Sosial, yang memberikan penghargaan kepada pengguna dengan mata uang kripto yang disebut BolttCoins berdasarkan pada aktivitas fisik atau data kesehatan pengguna. BolttCoins dapat digunakan untuk membeli barang dan jasa di seluruh ekosistem mitra besar. Mereka juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat keterlibatan dan loyalitas dan dapat dikaitkan dengan program loyalitas pengecer, merek, dan penyedia layanan yang ada. Selain itu, BolttCoins dapat ditawarkan dalam bentuk diskon polis oleh perusahaan asuransi kesehatan.

Semua transaksi dalam ekosistem Boltt terjadi di BLOCKCHAIN ​​melalui teknologi buku besar yang didistribusikan dan sepenuhnya aman, aman, dan transparan. Boltt menangkap data kesehatan dan aktivitas pengguna dengan sensor ponsel bawaan melalui App Boltt atau melalui Boltt Fitness Trackers & Wearables yang menyinkronkan dengan App melalui teknologi BLE.

Boltt telah berinvestasi lebih dari US $ 3 Juta dalam penelitian dan pengembangan dengan dana yang dihimpun dari investor malaikat teknologi terkenal.

Berpartisipasi dalam Acara Pembuatan Token
Total Suplay: 170 MN BOLTTCOIN
Simbol: BOLTT
Protokol: Gelombang dan Ethereum
Volume Penjualan Token: 100 MN BOLTTCOIN
Soft Cap: 3.000 ETH (ACHIEVED)
Hard cap: 25.000 ETH
Mulai Penjualan Privat: 25 Mei 2018
Tutup Penjualan Pribadi: 3000 ETH (SELESAI)
Pre Sale (TBA): 16000 ETH
ICO (TBA): 6000 ETH
Jumlah Transaksi Minimum: 0,1 ETH
Penggunaan Dana: Pengembangan Produk & Skala Global
Mulai Pra-penjualan: Segera Hadir

1 ETH = 4000 BOLTT
1 BOLTT = 0,00025 ETH

Bagaimana saya bisa membeli token proyek?

Untuk berpartisipasi dalam penjualan token, Anda harus melakukan pembayaran dalam ETH atau BTC. Untuk melakukannya, Anda dapat membuat dompet Ethereum atau BTC pribadi Anda. Untuk membuat dompet crypto Anda, Anda dapat menggunakan rekomendasi dari untuk memilih dompet BTC Anda dan situs resmi Ethereum untuk memilih dompet ETH Anda. Kemudian lakukan pembayaran dalam ETH atau BTC ke alamat dompet yang ditentukan di kabinet pribadi Anda. Atau, Anda dapat memproses pembayaran Anda melalui pertukaran online atau platform pembayaran untuk mata uang kripto.

Bisakah saya membayar token melalui pertukaran atau layanan pembayaran / transfer online?
Ya kamu bisa. Sejauh kami hanya menerima ETH atau BTC, Anda mungkin perlu membelinya untuk setiap mata uang fiat di pertukaran crypto. Saat memproses operasi pertukaran atau transfer, harap tentukan alamat penerima / tujuan ETH atau BTC dompet yang disediakan di kabinet online pribadi Anda. Setelah transaksi selesai, jumlah token yang sesuai akan dialokasikan ke akun pribadi Anda. Perhatikan bahwa pertukaran dan layanan pembayaran / transfer mungkin mengenakan biaya tambahan - harap, perkirakan jumlah untuk transfer Anda yang sesuai.

Kapan saya akan menerima token yang dibeli?

Token akan dirilis untuk operasi setelah Open Token Sale selesai dan ditutup (antara 31 Agustus 2018 dan 31 September 2018). Setelah itu Anda akan menerima token BOLTT Anda di alamat Ethereum / Alamat Gelombang yang Anda tentukan di profil Anda. Jika Anda belum menentukan alamat dompet apa pun dalam formulir, Anda dapat masuk ke dompet ini dan menentukannya kemudian.

Detail informatie
Situs web:


Thursday, August 16, 2018

The First Version of Blockchain-Based Ubcoin Marketplace Has Been Released

Ubank , the leading mobile payment app in Eastern Europe, introduced the first version of Ubcoin Market — a global peer-to-peer platform that is designed to bring 200 mln new investors to crypto. Ubcoin is an eBay-like Ethereum-powered marketplace that allows people to exchange real goods for cryptocurrency and vice versa. Ubcoin will be part of the Ubank mobile app that is pre-installed by Samsung in 10 countries and has over 16 mln installations worldwide. In July 2018 Ubank announced that it started partnership with LG Electronics about having Ubank available for LG users.
The first working version of the Ubcoin Marketplace was introduced by the Ubank CEO on July, 14th in Seoul during a meetup organised by Ubcoin for its Korean contributors and potential stakeholders.
At the moment the 1.0 version of the marketplace has features that were described in the company’s roadmap: creating a listing to start selling, an advanced search system, a chat establishing a real time communication between a seller and a buyer, and the process of buying an item for UBC tokens (utility tokens for settlement of smart contacts and fees on the platform). The public beta of the platform will be available for testing at the end of August, 2018.
During the event in Seoul the Ubcoin team also showed the latest updates in its own artificial intelligence system based on deep neural networks, which is designed to improve user experience, automate the processes and minimise legal and ethical risks for the business. Ubcoin Market uses machine learning techniques to moderate content, create personal recommendations, predict the price of goods, improve the quality of product images and identify suspicious ads.
You can look at some features from the marketplace and test the AI-bot here:
Ubcoin Market utilizes decentralized technologies to create an easy-to-use tool that solves problems of people wishing to enter the world of crypto investments in a hassle-free manner. Ubcoin additionally is useful for experienced blockchain market participants in need of a convenient method of spending their crypto wealth. Ubcoin Market will become an integral part of the Ubank app by the end of 2018.
Korea was chosen by the Ubcoin team to be presented with the first version of the product for a strategic reason. Ubank has pre-installation agreements with South Korean tech giants Samsung and started partnership with LG Electronics about having Ubank available for LG users. Ubank is planning to start the Ubcoin Market expansion into the booming Asian market at the beginning of 2019. Earlier this year, Ubank received investment from the Singapore-based VC fund Amereus Group for the promotion of Ubcoin Market in Asia. By the end of 2018, the project is planning to open offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Seoul to implement the market launch strategy of the peer-to-peer ecosystem in the region.

OfficialWebsite :
Facebook :
Medium :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Reddit :
Youtube :
Github :
Whitepaper :;u=1416454

The First Version of Blockchain-Based Ubcoin Marketplace Has Been Released

Ubank , the leading mobile payment app in Eastern Europe, introduced the first version of Ubcoin Market — a global peer-to-peer platform that is designed to bring 200 mln new investors to crypto. Ubcoin is an eBay-like Ethereum-powered marketplace that allows people to exchange real goods for cryptocurrency and vice versa. Ubcoin will be part of the Ubank mobile app that is pre-installed by Samsung in 10 countries and has over 16 mln installations worldwide. In July 2018 Ubank announced that it started partnership with LG Electronics about having Ubank available for LG users.
The first working version of the Ubcoin Marketplace was introduced by the Ubank CEO on July, 14th in Seoul during a meetup organised by Ubcoin for its Korean contributors and potential stakeholders.
At the moment the 1.0 version of the marketplace has features that were described in the company’s roadmap: creating a listing to start selling, an advanced search system, a chat establishing a real time communication between a seller and a buyer, and the process of buying an item for UBC tokens (utility tokens for settlement of smart contacts and fees on the platform). The public beta of the platform will be available for testing at the end of August, 2018.
During the event in Seoul the Ubcoin team also showed the latest updates in its own artificial intelligence system based on deep neural networks, which is designed to improve user experience, automate the processes and minimise legal and ethical risks for the business. Ubcoin Market uses machine learning techniques to moderate content, create personal recommendations, predict the price of goods, improve the quality of product images and identify suspicious ads.
You can look at some features from the marketplace and test the AI-bot here:
Ubcoin Market utilizes decentralized technologies to create an easy-to-use tool that solves problems of people wishing to enter the world of crypto investments in a hassle-free manner. Ubcoin additionally is useful for experienced blockchain market participants in need of a convenient method of spending their crypto wealth. Ubcoin Market will become an integral part of the Ubank app by the end of 2018.

Token Details
Token - UBC
Platform - Ethereum
PreICO price1 UBC = 0.00005 ETH
Price in ICO1 UBC = 0.00009 ETH
Limited Private Pre-Sale 57 %
Stage 1, 2 -21 April 29 %
Stage 1, 22 April - 11 May 14 %
Tokens for sale2,000,000,000

Korea was chosen by the Ubcoin team to be presented with the first version of the product for a strategic reason. Ubank has pre-installation agreements with South Korean tech giants Samsung and started partnership with LG Electronics about having Ubank available for LG users. Ubank is planning to start the Ubcoin Market expansion into the booming Asian market at the beginning of 2019. Earlier this year, Ubank received investment from the Singapore-based VC fund Amereus Group for the promotion of Ubcoin Market in Asia. By the end of 2018, the project is planning to open offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Seoul to implement the market launch strategy of the peer-to-peer ecosystem in the region.

OfficialWebsite :

Facebook :
Medium :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Reddit :
Youtube :
Github :
Whitepaper :

 BERGABUNGLAH DENGAN BOLTTCOIN Boltt sekarang meluncurkan Platform Gamification Kesehatan Sosial, yang memberikan pengh...